A Post after 4 long years......Time has gone by...the hairs have fallen, am married, have a kid and am bloody back again in the same place and same website....
Am on a short stint in UK right now, nothing else to do apart from some work, phone calls to family (lemme try remembering my friends) and pointless browsing....but have started to turn and look back at my life ??? Life well spent or wasted without exploring or neither here or there - still searching....probably will keep exploring till the end (should have written every now and then)...
All the like minded people will agree that if you have no other thing in life to do, you end up making couple of drinks. Every time you have a couple of drinks and one ends up asking all the basic philosophic questions of - who am I ? Why was I born ? what am i doing here ? what should I do next ? Am I doing good ? Am I in the right place ?..... But there is no simple answer you see and then just dose off. I guess one can imagine what stage I am in currently - no prizes for guessing the right answer - about to dose off and in the midst of philosophical thoughts (no point guessing what I was doing before this...hahahaha)...
This is blog is just for revival...Hopefully more to follow...
Bye for now.